Wednesday, February 24, 2010

For the women that have had babies was there a loss of hair after u had the babies due to hormones?

Yes. And don't worry, it's natural. About a month or two after having the baby you'll notice your hair coming out! It feels like you're going bald, but you're not, it's just returning to it's natural state! You may or may not remember that in your last trimester of pregnancy, your hair was thicker and fuller!? Well that's because, for some reason unbeknownst to me, you don't lose any hair your last trimester! Like usually you lose a little here and there. Do not be alarmed, it will stop!For the women that have had babies was there a loss of hair after u had the babies due to hormones?
noFor the women that have had babies was there a loss of hair after u had the babies due to hormones?
My baby pulls out my hair, is that what you mean? All joking aside, yeah I do tend to lose a bit down the shower drain, I think it has more to do with stress hormones than pregnancy hormones though.
your body is going back to normal - so hormones play a role in it.

Try putting a leave in conditioner in your hair. I did this every other day and I could see a difference in the amount of hair that I lost. Plus my hair looked healthier since being pregnant.
Don't panic, and don't order a hair-piece. This fallout is normal, but it will stop well in advance of baldness - though an occasional new mum may begin to wonder if it will. Ordinary, the average person sheds 100 hairs a day, each of which is replaced by a new growth. When a woman is pregnant (or taking oral contraceptives) hormonal changes slow normal hair loss considerably, making the hair thicker and more luxuriant than ever before. But this reprieve from normal hair loss lasts only as long as pregnancy. During the first three to six months after delivery (or after one stops taking the pill), all the hairs that were scheduled to have fallen out during pregnancy are shed. Regrowth can't keep up with the loss at first, and so hair looks much thinner than usual.

By the end of your baby's first year, your hair should be back to pre-pregnancy thickness. In the meantime, a good haircut may minimise the problem.
some. It happens.
Lots of books tell you that there will be hair loss due to hormones but I didn't notice any loss at all...I was probably way too tired! Seriously, no loss whatsoever!
I had a ton of hair loss after the birth of my fist child and again after the second. I was told that hair goes through two growth cycles during pregnancy and that it is completely normal to have a big loss afterward. When I say big, I mean it, my pillow looked like a wild animal had slept on it. But you may want to have your thyroid levels checked, it is also a symptom and is frequently an issue for women in childbearing years.

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