Monday, February 22, 2010

Testicle Shrinkage, change in beard color , loss of hair, weak overall,lack of concentration?

first of all my testostrone lvl is 700+ .. 2 tests

i noticed my testicals reduce in size last year, i had a slight discomfert and the doc checked me for that conditions, where your balls rotate and cut the blood supply, but he said i was ok, and he gave me some anti swelling pills, which didnt help, but the pain went away on its own later.

now i feel my testicals are smaller in size, infact i know they are, when im cold they rise , and it just looks weired, but when its hot they sort of hang at the leval of the penis, not below.

i recently visited the doctor again, and explained to him how im really weak, and have been having way too much sex, and am sure its becoz of that, he checked me , and said ur testicals are still fine, u just need to start taking some multi vitamin, bla bla. and he didnt treat the matter seriously. what do i do? my blood screenin tests were fine, liver kidneys, etc etc..doc says im healthy, but i know im not, m getin weeker and!Testicle Shrinkage, change in beard color , loss of hair, weak overall,lack of concentration?
I'd go to a different doc and tell him about everything, not just the testicle issues. Have your thyroid checked. Have you been checked for HIV? You said you were having a lot of sex. Maybe you just need to eat and sleep more.Testicle Shrinkage, change in beard color , loss of hair, weak overall,lack of concentration?
Get your iron levels checked. If they are too high or too low, you will feel week.

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