Friday, February 26, 2010

Help my 8 week kitten has pink reddish eyelid and loss of hair around it?

i have just adopted a 8 week kitten 2 weeks ago and 2 days after i adopted i noticed that on the top of his eyelid it was kinda pink and he didnt have much hair on the eyelid i ignored it he also sneezed alot and also scratches alot week later i come home and hes eyelid is swollen redishpink he has no hair on the eyelid it kinda looked lke if someone had taken a razor and shaved the top of his eyelid of i also noticed the same thing is starting to happen on the back of his ear like a little bump very small reddish and hes losing the hair on that area iam really hearthbroken i just adopted him and right now i cant afford to take him to the vet he eats normally and plays but i just dont know what he has when i adopted him at the shelter he had his shots ang got tested for leukimia hes also neutered i would appreciate any of your help thank youHelp my 8 week kitten has pink reddish eyelid and loss of hair around it?
Ringworm! The best thing to do is get him in to the vet to get an antifungal shampoo. If that's not an option, call the shelter to see if they can get one for you. The best is Malaseb or Chlorhexaderm. Also go to the drug store, and get a tube of Lamisol cream (it's for athlete's foot). Put a thin film of it over the spots, twice a day. He needs to be bathed, though, to get the ringworm spores off his fur so that he doesn't keep getting more lesions. If you can't get the shampoo, go to a local feed store for Lyme sulfur dip. Follow the directions, especially about sponging it on his face and head. It smells bad but it's very effective. Expect to be treating him for at least 3-4 weeks. If you end up with some lesions, use the Lamisol on yourself as well. It's a nuisance, but not the end of the world.Help my 8 week kitten has pink reddish eyelid and loss of hair around it?
You really need to get the kitten to a vet..loss of hair and swelling is never good. I don't know where you live but many places have low cost vet clinics. You really need to take it to a vet. Or please bring it back to the shelter where you got it from and have them treat have to do something.
I agree totally with JC. I just wanted to add, as a precaution, that you really should treat the redness in the eye as a separate issue. I think that very well may be Conjunctivitis and that will require Terramycin. Conjunctivitis is a frequent problem with shelter pets because so many are housed in such close proximity and it's highly contagious just like ringworm.

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