Monday, February 22, 2010

My cat has a open wound on shoulder. red, puss coming out, loss of hair, and lathargic?

cat is still eatingMy cat has a open wound on shoulder. red, puss coming out, loss of hair, and lathargic?

My cat had a problem like that, and I waited too long and the cat ended up dieing.

It may be mange, so it needs medical attention.My cat has a open wound on shoulder. red, puss coming out, loss of hair, and lathargic?
I would watch the wound for a few days. It might be an abscess that popped. Typically, they look much worse than they actually are. Your cat may have gotten it in a fight with another cat or been bitten by an insect. What happens in cats is the skin heals faster than the tissue underneath and while the surface looks fine, there might be an abscess underneath. Usually, once they've burst, the cat heals pretty quickly. If it doesn't improve or starts to look worse, then take the cat to the vet.
Cat either has an abscess or a infection from a wound.The lethargy means the cats immune system is having trouble fighting the infection. You need to soak the area with a warm wet washcloth about 4x a day. Also needs to see vet for some antibiotics.
It is better to error on the side of caution, take him to the vet ASAP. If it is nothing, the vet will not be mad. But if it is an infection, which it does sound like, not treating it could cause problems. even death.
Umm take it to the vet, if you don't it's considered animal cruelty in most states. If you can't afford a pet you shouldn't have it, sorry just being honest
Sounds like a bad infection from either a bite, or cat fight she needs a vet asap
You need to take your cat to the vet. Right away.
puss = infection

infection = needs medicine

take your cat to the vet, or at least call them and ask
Are you stupid!?!? He needs to go to the vet asap!!!!
get kitty to the vet asap.

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