Monday, February 22, 2010

Puppy has rash on forehead with loss of hair any clues as to what this may be?

could be an allergic rash. mine did that.

could also be mange.

could acutually be a number of things (with those two being the most likely) the best thing to do is take your dog to the vet for a skin scrape of the infected area..he'll run some test. If it's only allergies she could need shots or simply a benadryl. if it's mange she'll need medicine for to have your vet advise you and get an answer to the problem b/c if it's allergies you'll want to find out the problem causer so your pup won;t be in any more pain. good luckPuppy has rash on forehead with loss of hair any clues as to what this may be?
If anything, your dog may have an infection or an allergic reaction to something. My dog had the same thing, we took him to the vet, got a few medications, and he's better than ever now. A little note- The medication for whatever is causing your dog's problem may chunk him/her up a bit, but it eventually goes away.Puppy has rash on forehead with loss of hair any clues as to what this may be?
could be mange. There are two types but they are treatable. If you can't get to a vet try flowers of sulfur powder ( get a drug store) Mix 1 part sulfur to 2 parts lard or vasaline.Apply for 3 days.
';Mange'; goto vet get medicine
Rash, Mange, parasites etc. Got to your vet and they can figure it out for ya.
ummmm, lets see....nope, I sure can't tell from here. Could be mange (either type), could be ringworm or some other fungus, could be an allergic reaction to something, could be puppy acne, those are all the clues I can come up with. How bout you take the puppy to the vet, and find out for real what it is, then let us clueless folks know?
He could have gotten in a fight or he might have mainge....i mean it probly might not be that serious but it could be. you should google it.

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