Monday, February 22, 2010

My 13 yr old niece has loss of hair, what can I do?

She is African American and the hair loss is only in the top middle part of her headMy 13 yr old niece has loss of hair, what can I do?
If is it a small spot and not a chemical burn it could be alopecia if so she needs to see a dermatologist. Also if you want to had it temporarily put her hair in a ponytail high enough to cover the patch.Just so you know alopecia is very common among African American it is treatable in most cases so don't be nervous.My 13 yr old niece has loss of hair, what can I do?
buy her a wig!!
When you take her to the Doctor, remember to ask about her thyroid. It is a symptom of thyroid troubles which can be fixed. But DO check with the doctor as to why it is happening.

If the family Doc isnt able to find a cause, try to find a good psycologist. She might have a disorder which causes her to pull out her hair. It might be happening in her sleep therefore she would not know she is doing it.

good luck!
She could have some vitamin/mineral deficiency. Check that out with multivitamins/calcium etc. Also check whether she is tying or pulling or tugging at her hair in any form(could even be for straightening or decorating). That could also cause loss of hair for some people over a period of time. Olive oil in the diet is helpful too. And if it persists, do take her to a doctor before it gets worse. Best of luck and God Bless! :)
Go to the DR and ask about alopecia, or look it up. They can do something about it. We've come a long way. It may even be a hormonal imbalance.

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